
It is the duty of every fire department to practice life safety, incident stabilization and property conservation. Fire suppression is one of the main responsibilities of the Ouachita Parish Fire Department. This involves ongoing training to keep our firefighters’ skills at the highest level. A fire is a very traumatizing situation. The Ouachita Parish Fire Department is always available, 24/7, 365 days a year with professional expertise and a caring attitude.

Proper equipment can make the difference in how a fire incident is extinguished. The OPFD strives to maintain advanced equipment and provides our firefighters with the training to best utilize it.

A firefighter relies on personal protective equipment to keep him or her safe from fire and smoke. Bunker gear, helmets and heavy boots are all part of their protective equipment. A fully suited firefighter wears 60 pounds of gear.

With our thermal imaging cameras, our firefighters can continue to make the most of real-time data on the scene. This helps keep crews safer and make decisions that are more effective during incident response. Our thermal imaging cameras alert firefighters to differentials in temperature, hidden hot spots, overheating machinery parts and hazardous leaking materials.

Our firefighters are prepared for structure fires, vehicle fires, and grass fires within Ouachita Parish. Without their quick and professional intervention, life endangerment and extensive property damage can occur.